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Herbologie Grasamaður

Ready-made Recipes

Medicinal plants are at the heart of my passions and we find them in remedies as well as in the kitchen.

Ready-made Recipes!


Mother Earth Herbalism offers you ready-made recipes to motivate you and help you start this practice of going green. Natural, organic and ecological ingredients chosen with great care for their numerous virtues. Some medicinal plants are grown in my Gaspesian gardens with healthy soil and no added products, patiently harvested by hand in a responsible manner (1/3 for me and you, 1/3 left for the animals and insects, then 1/3 left in place so that nature can renew itself). My plants are then transformed to offer you high-quality products! I also source any plants in demand beyond my ability to harvest alone or grow in another climate.


16 Quick Tips to Clean Your Home


Specially designed blends to accompany you according to your needs throughout the year.

Ready-made recipes

Quick Zero-Waste Wipes


Homemade zero-waste wipes are just as effective and can be put in the washing machine after each use (with the towels, for example). Afterwards, they can be rewashed with a product and are infinitely reusable! To make this cleaning product, mix 25 cl of spirit vinegar, 10 drops of organic lemon essential oil and a tablespoon of washing-up liquid. Then dilute the whole in 250 ml of water. As for the wipes, microfiber will do. You can also cut up old towels that you no longer use into 15 cm by 15 cm squares.

Wood Care


1 cup of olive oil + 1/3 cup of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients in a container with a clean spray bottle. Use a soft cloth.


Window Cleaner


You need 400 ml of white vinegar and 100 ml of water. Spray it on your windows and glass panes and wipe it down. Then, finish with a clean, soft cloth, and you're all set! If your windows are filthy, mix 50 ml of white vinegar, 50 ml of rubbing alcohol, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and 400 ml of water. It makes the windows shine like magic!


Multi-purpose Cleaning, Degreasing and Disinfecting Product


Heat 1 litre of water and carefully dilute 4 tablespoons of Marseille soap shavings. Then remove from the heat, and add 2 tablespoons of lemon and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar. To top it off, add organic lemon or lavender essential oil. Just pour the mixture into a bottle, spray it on and sponge it up!


Another Idea for a Multi-Purpose Cleaning, Degreasing and Stain Removal Spray


Spray it from floor to ceiling to clean the kitchen (sink, countertop, fridge...), the bathroom (bathtub, sink...) and the whole house in one swipe with a microfiber cloth. In a one-litre sprayer filled with ¾ of warm water, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of black soap. Then incorporate a few drops of lavender, lemon, eucalyptus or peppermint organic essential oil.


Product for Cleaning the Floor


Dilute 200 ml of white vinegar, 50 drops of organic lemon essential oil and 50 drops of organic thyme essential oil. Your best ally is black soap for other floors, such as stone tiles and marble, which cannot tolerate vinegar. Dilute one tablespoon in 5 litres of water.


Dishwashing Detergent


1 tablespoon of baking soda + 1 tablespoon of white vinegar + 1/2 cup of black soap + 20 drops of organic lemon essential oil. This preparation doesn't lather much, but it's effective, you'll see. The foaming effect of a product has no relation to its efficiency.


Liquid Soap for Dishwasher


For this, mix three organic lemons cut with their peel, 200 g of coarse salt, 200 ml of white vinegar and four glasses of water. Then heat the mixture over low heat for about 15 minutes and let it cool. Strain and bottle.


Dishwasher Powder


Mix 3 parts baking soda, 3 parts baking soda crystals and 1 part coarse salt in a can. Then in another can, pour 7 doses of citric acid. When washing, put 1 spoonful of each in the compartment dedicated to tablets. Mixing them in the compartment at the last moment will preserve their effectiveness.


Oven Cleaner


1 part sifted baking soda + 1/2 part soda crystals* + 1/2 part water. Mix all ingredients to form a paste. Spread the cleaner on the inside and outside surfaces of the oven and leave it on for a few hours or even overnight. Wipe off any residue with a damp cloth.


*It is essential to wear gloves when handling soda crystals as they are very irritating.


*Do not confuse soda crystals with sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which can explode in water.


Odor Eliminating Detergent for the Fridge


Ecological products are just right to deodorize the bad odour and remove the stains of liquids that have leaked. And unlike chemical products, we don't have to worry about them coming into contact with our food! To do this, mix two tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl half filled with warm water. Then add half a lemon juice and 5 drops of organic lemon essential oil. Your fridge detergent is ready to use!

Scrubbing Product


In addition to clay powder, baking soda remains a classic for scouring the house. To use it, mix two tablespoons of baking soda with two tablespoons of fine salt. Then you add water to make a soft paste. You can add a few drops of organic essential oils from citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit, ...) to improve its scrubbing power and smell. Simply use a sponge and gently scrub all surfaces in the bathroom or kitchen.

Sink, Bath or Shower Bowl and Pipe Cleaner


Mix 200g of salt and 200g of baking soda and pour into your home's bowl or plumbing pipes. Then cover generously with vinegar to dissolve. Spread and leave on for 15 minutes.


Toilet Scaler


Bring 1 litre of white vinegar to a boil. Once it's done, pour it into your toilet and leave for an hour or two. This will remove limescale and hard water stains from the greenway and no risk to the septic tank! That's all there is to it!


Laundry Soap


The most straightforward recipe is the one with Marseille soap. It consists in boiling 3 litres of water. Then add 150 g of flaked or grated Marseille soap (preferably without glycerin or palm oil), a handful of soda crystals and a few drops of organic essential oils such as lavender, lemon or orange. Transfer the lye to a resealable container and use 20 ml of the mixture for each load of laundry.

For black soap lye, heat 600 ml of water with 200 ml of black soap. Then stir in ½ glass of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of soda crystals. If needed, add a few drops of organic essential oils like these highly named: lavender, lemon or orange. Remember to stir your mixture well before each use.


Liquid Fabric Softener

For this product, it is between 200 and 400 ml of white vinegar (depending on the hardness of your water) and 600 ml of water. And for the smell, the ideal is to add a few drops of organic essential oil like those suggested for the laundry soap. You can also macerate plants and spices in the vinegar for a few days to give it a good smell: mint, lavender, rose... visit our online store's medicinal plants section for more inspiration!


Don't forget to put on some good music, your cleaning will be done without even thinking about it!

Cosmetic recipes
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