Valerian is antispasmodic and acts on digestion. Promotes sleep and reduces premenstrual syndrome. Analgesic, calming, accompanies in times of stress. Dosage Dilute the preparation in a sip of water. Mix together before consuming. Ideally take the evening dose 30 minutes before bedtime to help you fall asleep. Repeat if needed. Short term (acute phase) 15-25 drops as needed Long term (chronic phase, 2-4 weeks only, maximum 6 weeks) 5-15 drops As needed For long-term use, take 6 days out of 7, at the rate 3 weeks per month and for 11 months out of 12. Giving your body breaks is important. Ingredients: Organic Apple Cider Vinegar 8% Organic Valerian Leaves Precautions: Always consult a health care practitioner before using this product internally. Consult a healthcare practitioner if your symptoms persist or worsen. These precautions are for everyone, especially for pregnant or breastfeeding women who should consult a health practitioner during these periods. This website has not been evaluated by Health Canada and the information provided to you does not replace such consultation. Consult your doctor if your insomnia symptoms do not improve within 3 weeks or if they worsen. Valerian affects alertness since it promotes sleep. Avoid driving and do not use heavy machinery for hours after taking valerian. Contraindications Do not consume sedative medication or alcohol while taking mother tincture of valerian.
Valerian vinegar
SKU: H0217