Stimulates digestion and therefore the appetite. Relieves indigestion and flatulence. Stimulates the liver, intestines. Can help if you have motion sickness. Dosage Dilute the preparation in a sip of water. Mix together before consuming. Helping with painful periods. Short term (acute phase: short period of time) 4-6 drops a day for motion sickness For example: 2 drops morning, noon and evening 10 drops for painful menstruation every 6 hours, for 6 days Ingredients: organic vinegar of apple cider 8% organic wormwood roots Precautions: Always consult a health care practitioner before using this product internally. Consult a healthcare practitioner if your symptoms persist or worsen. These precautions are for everyone, especially for pregnant women because they promote bleeding and contractions. Do not exceed the dosages as this may cause vomiting. This website has not been evaluated by Health Canada and the information provided to you does not replace such consultation.
Acorus vinegar
SKU: H0267