Child-friendly plant; induces hyperactivity, promotes sleep, reduces stress, nightmares as well. In adults it relieves palpitations, headaches and spasms. Promotes digestion. Dosage Dilute the preparation in a sip of water. Mix together before consuming. Short term (acute phase) 15-20 drops for an adult 5 to 7 times a day *** For a child, the safe dose must be calculated by a health care practitioner according to the weight of the child. Long term (chronic phase) 10-15 drops for an adult 2 to 3 times a day (morning, noon and evening) *** For a child, the safe dose must be calculated by a health care practitioner according to the weight of the child. 'child. For long-term use, take 6 days out of 7, 3 weeks per month and for 11 months out of 12. Giving your body breaks is important. Ingredients: Alcohol 40% Organic Catnip Leaves Precautions: Always consult a health care practitioner before using this product internally. Consult a healthcare practitioner if your symptoms persist or worsen. These precautions apply to everyone, especially pregnant or breastfeeding women. This website has not been evaluated by Health Canada and the information provided to you does not replace such consultation. Can sometimes excite instead of calm, rarely. May increase the effect of certain sedative or hypnotic drugs.
Catnip tincture
SKU: H0169