Used in friction for sprains and bruised muscles. It relaxes the nervous system and thus facilitates the assimilation of food and digestion. It improves blood circulation, which helps relieve headaches. Dosage Dilute the preparation in a sip of water. Mix together before consuming. Short term (acute phase: maximum of 3 weeks) 20 drops 3 times daily Ingredients: alcohol 40% organic betony leaves Precautions: Always consult a health care practitioner before using this product internally. Consult a healthcare practitioner if your symptoms persist or worsen. These precautions apply to everyone, especially pregnant women. This website has not been evaluated by Health Canada and the information provided to you does not replace such consultation. May make you want to vomit, in which case do not persevere. The betony leaves are less prone to it than the root.
Betony mother tincture
SKU: H0275